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1:1 Sparring and Coaching for Executives and Decision Makers

If you are in a leadership position or strive to be in one,
his is for you.


"How do you help the people you work with?"

Leading a business, a team, a division or an entire corporation can be a solitary task.

Sometimes there are matters that you simply can't discuss with the people around you. Either because they must not know. Or because their circumstances are very different and they will simply not be able to help.

People in your organization may be your friends. But at the same time, you are their boss. And your friends want to talk about things other than business when you meet them. Or they are in very different positions and can't really give you perspective.

People appreciate two things when sparring with me:

1) They can discuss their ideas and challenges on eye-level

2) However complex the decision at hand, I bring structure to vast amounts of information and make it actionable

Wobei hilft Sparring?


Strategic shifts and pivots


Significant investment decsisions


Appraisal interviews and negotiations


Personal challenges


Crisis management and -communication


I don't apply simple coaching frameworks.

After 15 years in the family business, 5 years of big4 consulting for global corporations, building my own start-up from scratch, multiple leadership positions throughout my career and a successful career as a coach that produced high performing poker players, I can offer three things that very few others can: broad perspective, a clear business focus and a track record of helping people to achieve excellence.

For all topics related to business strategy, organizational design, how to drive innovation, how to be an extraordinary leader, structuring complex business decisions and which steps to take next in your career, I can not only provide an outside view - I can give you the input you need.


Together, we work on setting the right objectives and derive the roadmap for how to achieve your ambition.

I am your sparring partner for challenging ideas, developing concepts, preparing difficult conversations such as negotiations and as asking the question of "Why are things not moving faster".

Let's discuss your objectives to see if I can assist you in accomplishing your vision.


The price per session includes preparation and an executive summary of the key contents. One session is 60 minutes.

€225,- (plus VAT) / hour

€267,75 including VAT

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