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NEWS: Study published: The Future of Enterprises in the Face of AI.

9 min read
Corporate values are dead. Long live corporate values.
It was December 2nd, 2001, when a $70 billion empire, the 7th largest publicly traded company globally, collapsed overnight. They called...

5 min read
Avoiding Mediocrity: The Foundation of Being a World-Class Leader
Elon. Steve. Bill. Even just reading their first names gives many people goosebumps. Because they have done exceptional things. But the...

9 min read
Everyone is mostly the same... here’s how you become exceptional
When I was in university, Poker was experiencing a golden era. There were kids all over the internet that made tens of thousands of euros...

12 min read
Why you need to think small to accomplish glorious plans a.k.a. The micro-macro mindset
Why is it, that some of the most intelligent people you know are not getting ahead in life much, while you can recite half a dozen (or...

9 min read
A new perspective on why digital transformations fail (...and how to lead them successfully)
So your move towards becoming a digital leader is consuming vast amounts of resources and you’re wondering when the hefty payoff will...

6 min read
Overcoming Complacency in your Leadership Team
Most of your leadership should really not be in the position they are in. It is an interesting phenomenon that many ambitious individuals...

5 min read
The Conditions of the World may Change in 2022
We are in the most spoiled economy in modern history We are rushing into 2022 on a golden economical tidal wave that really is...

4 min read
What every CEO (and everyone else, too!) needs to know about NFTs RIGHT NOW
In terms of business impact, the closest that the emergence of Non-Fungibe Tokens (NFTs) can be compared to is the emergence of the...

5 min read
How to Get Better at Making Life-Changing Decisions
When I quit my job in February 2020 to go full time into my start-up, it seemed like a really good decision. The market had been...

5 min read
Unconventional Wisdom for Contemporary Leaders
„Communication is a sign of dysfunction." "It means people aren’t working together in a close, organic way. We should be trying to figure...

2 min read
Your Biggest Goal May be your Biggest Obstacle
This morning I came across an article on LinkedIn. The key message was: "People change when they see who they can become.". I believe...

5 min read
Is your Organization ready for the Age of Information?
We are living in the age of information. And yet, instead of broadening the view and revising how to treat information on a large scale,...
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